What about emergency shelter?
In 2010, Sister Julie B. Beck said, “I have a sense and a feeling as we have watched some of these disasters in the world, that this is a time for us to learn and to prepare from these experiences. …The preparation happens in our own homes. There are not enough tents in the world to furnish every person with a tent, unless the members of the Church have a tent in their own homes.”
Although we have not been commanded by Church leaders to have a tent as part of our emergency supplies, we have been encouraged to prepare for adversity by obtaining supplies that could sustain us in a time of need. In the aftermath of a disaster, many people are often displaced from their homes. In cases like this, and where circumstances allow, it would be wise to have an alternative means of shelter to provide protection from the elements, until families can return to their homes. We encourage you to prayerfully consider whether or not a tent or alternative shelter is something that the Lord desires for you to obtain for your family.
If a tent is something you feel you need to acquire, we’ve compiled a list of tents to help you decide which one is best for your circumstances. Some things to think about when considering a tent include: size (How many people do you need to house?); durability (How long will I be staying in this tent and under what kinds of weather conditions?); and which features are necessary or desired for comfort (Do I want to be able to use a stove in my tent if it’s winter time? Is a floor a must? Do I want to be able to roll up the sides when the weather is warm?).
A smaller, light-weight tent, that is easy to carry in emergencies, would be helpful in a situation where you may have to leave your home on foot, or if you would only be using a tent for a short amount of time. A larger tent would be convenient for family camping trips or for emergency situations that may make living in your home impossible for longer periods of time.
There are various kinds of tents available on the market today, but here are a few types of tents we researched (click on the name of the tent for details and specifications):